You need to ensure that periodical maintenance of your engine and transmission should be performedaccording to manufacturer’sinstructions. Volvo Penta specifiesnecessarystepswhich should be performed in periodical maintenance based on two criteria: Time periodafterlastmaintenancedateand engine runninghoursafterlastmaintenance. You can findyouroperatormanualand service protocolfrom Volvo Penta global website using the link below. You need to fillyour engine serialnumber to be able to accessthesedocuments.
Volvo Penta recommends to performperiodicalmaintenanceeachyear, evenifyouhaven’tusedyourboatlastseason. Please be aware of periodicalmaintenanceavoidspossiblehighrepaircosts in longtermwhereas it givesalsoan opportunityof inspectingpotentialfailures of theengine&transmissionsbyprofessionalswithoutleadingseriousdamages&costsandsafetyissueswhichmayoccurewhilecruising.
Volvo Penta genuinesparepartswhichareassembledby an authorized service will be under Volvo Penta global warrantyfor 2 years. Additionally, professional service teamsspecialized in Volvo Penta productswillgive a quickandreliablesolution to yourproblemsusingspecialdiagnostictools
Black smokeis a result of unburnedcarbonparticles of fuelwhich is not properlyburned in combustionchamber. Inaddition to possiblefaultycomponentsin fuelsystemandinlet&exhaustlines, overloadsituationsdue to wrongpropellerorropearoundthepropellermayleadblacksmoke intheexhaust.Inorder to findrootcause contact with an authorized service.
If enginedoes not rotateduringcranking, the problem mayoccurefrombatteriesorstartermotor of engine.Additionally, ifthe engine is mechanicallystuckeddue to water in enginecylinders, it will not rotatealthoughallelectricalequipment is in operation. Inorder to findrootcause contact with an authorized service.
Ifthecoolantlevel is decreasingafteryoucompletelyfill it andthere is noanycoolantleakage to engine compartment, thecomponents of freshwaterlinesuch as cylinderhead, exhaustmanifoldorheatexchangermay be damageddue to overheating (highcoolanttemperatures) whilecruising. Inorder to findrootcause contact with an authorized service.
Replacement of S-driveanodsshould be performedif 50% of anodconsumedaccording to Volvo Penta. Inpractice, anods of thesailboatswith S-drivewheremooring in thisregionrequiresTHEreplacement of thoseanodseachyeardue tothegroundissues in marinasandstraycurrentproblemswhichis oftenappeared in most of theboats.Please be aware of thatwhenanod is totallyconsumed, next metal whichwill be corroded is thatyourwhole S-driveunit.